Category Archives: Semi-Vegetarian

Includes Fish

Tuna Casserole


I am listing this recipe because my kids LOVE it, it is cheap, and it’s fast.  I have to preface though, that I HATED this meal as a kid because of the black mushroom pieces.  I just knew that they were bugs or something worse conjured up by my imagination.  That being said here it goes.  Oh, and I will drive folks that want PRECISE measurements CRAZY as I tend to eye-ball a lot of seasonings.  I will do my best for you.

1 16 oz bag of egg noodles

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

2 cans of tuna

Italian Style bread crumbs

garlic powder to taste (approx 2 tsp)

(optional I like to sneak in veggies where ever I can) broccoli pieces

Pre-heat oven to 350

boil and drain the egg noodles

return noodles to pot (fewer dishes!)  to mix in the tuna, cream of mushroom soup, garlic, and broccoli

level out mixture in an 8×13 baking dish cover completely with breadcrumbs

You will want to either spray top of breadcrumbs with a no stick spray or spread out dabs of butter about every 3 inches so that it is a bit crunchy.

Bake for 20-30 minutes, until top is crisp

That’s it, add whatever veggie or side dish you please.  Side note: our family of 4 always has plenty of left-overs, even after 2nds.